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Don’t be fooled by signal jammers – they’re insurance fraud

If you’re looking for cheaper insurance but don’t like the idea of a black box, you might decide to try a signal jammer. But you’re unfortunately only making more trouble for yourself if you do.

What are signal jammers?

Signal jammers are small devices that block the GPS signal from a black box – meaning you can drive while ‘invisible’ to your insurer.

If that sounds too good to be true, it’s because it is. As a telematics insurer, we have sophisticated technology in place to help us make sure the data we receive from our drivers is accurate. That also means we’re able to tell when we’re not receiving that data or if it’s been interfered with.

Getting caught is serious

Not only does using a signal jammer count as insurance fraud; it’s also illegal under the Wireless Telegraphy Act 2006. So, if you were pulled over by the police and found to be using one, you could face criminal charges.

Even though plenty of sites selling the jammers claim that they can go undetected by your insurer, we’ve identified enough instances to prove that this isn’t the case.

The Ticker device does more than track your miles and journeys – it also tells us if the signal gets altered. We can then identify the tell-tale data patterns of a signal jammer.

You could end up paying far more than your premium

If we detect you using a signal jammer, we’ll cancel your policy for deliberate fraud – which would also be logged on all the industry databases and shared with other insurers. That can make it incredibly hard to find insurance in the future.

And if you needed to make a claim, we wouldn’t pay out for it and you could end up footing a huge bill.

So, if you see someone on social media boasting about using a signal jammer, or come across a site selling them, remember: the most likely outcome is that they’ll lose their insurance and could even end up with legal problems.

Driving safely and using your Ticker insurance properly is the best way to stay on track for a good renewal.

What’s your policy start date?

29 April 2024 or after 4 November 2023 to 28 April 2024 22 September to 3 November 2023 18 August to 21 September 2023 17 August 2023 or before

What’s your policy start date?

29 April 2024 or after 28 April 2024 or before

What’s your policy start date?

29 April 2024 or after 4 November 2023 to 28 April 2024 22 September to 3 November 2023 18 August to 21 September 2023 17 August 2023 or before

What’s your policy start date?

29 April 2024 or after 4 November 2023 to 28 April 2024 22 September to 3 November 2023 21 September 2023 or before